Prefabrication & Assembly

  • Prefabrication and installation of pipelines (according to EN13480) and pressure equipment in the process industry and energy sector,

  • Installation of equipment, vessels and scales in industrial facilities, installation of primary and secondary pipe supports and installation of secondary structures for equipment and pipelines,

Production of various welded parts-assemblies made of steel sheet, tube and profile maximum mass up to 10 tons, such as:

  • Parts for eco furnaces,

  • Heavy steel racks for heat exchangers,

  • Various containers for waste in industry,

  • Industrial flooring, fences and staircases,

  • Various pallets and racks in heavy steel construction that are used for thermal processing of steel parts.

Contact BIH

Poslovna zona 1,
72000 Zenica

+387 (0)32 20 04 20

Contact BIH

Poslovna zona 1,
72000 Zenica

+387 (0)32 20 04 20

Contact Germany

Konrad Adenauer Ring 73,
65187 Wiesbaden

+49 (0)611 56 50 036

Contact Germany

Konrad Adenauer Ring 73,
65187 Wiesbaden

+49 (0)611 56 50 036

Social Media

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