
Our standards

Highest international safety and quality standards are leading marks of our business commitment

Health and safety of our employees and all involving parties

Health and safety of our employees and all involving parties, care for environment and dedication to quality in all aspects of our business activities play an important role in our company. According to these goals we regularly organize intern training courses and third party certifications. Our new partner on the fields of Safety and Quality is TÜV Austria.

In spring 2013 we've successfully completed the recertification of our HSE and QM Management Systems according to:

HSE-Management-Systems SCC**2011, acc. EN ISO 14001, OHAS 18001.
Integrated QM-System acc. EN ISO 9001, EN ISO 3834-2, PED 97/23/EC, AD 2000-Merkblatt HP0.

Contact BIH

Poslovna zona 1,
72000 Zenica

+387 (0)32 20 04 20

Contact BIH

Poslovna zona 1,
72000 Zenica

+387 (0)32 20 04 20

Contact Germany

Konrad Adenauer Ring 73,
65187 Wiesbaden

+49 (0)611 56 50 036

Contact Germany

Konrad Adenauer Ring 73,
65187 Wiesbaden

+49 (0)611 56 50 036

Social Media

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